Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

May suceed, or may not.

I am so easily lost in my thoughts of what I am going to do, of what I should do, or what I want to do. I find something and go throught with it in my mind into all the details I can possibly imagine, to the point that these thoughts end up just in the ether of the pillow. 

|Right now, jobless, perspectiveless, with two kids und the roof, can´t provide with materials, but I can give attention and time. I have been cooking,cleaning, playing, drawing, writing, photographing, painting... have dome some sacred geometry too. Sacred Geometry is an excellent tool for meditation

I have started some ´photography video series too. I keep wondering how I am going to make it. I have to be open to the possibility that I wont. but I also have to be open to the possibilities that I will. Maybe I´ll end up homeless, maybe I wont, I´ll roll my dices, and breathe.

some old post. just post it.

4th october 2019

Sempre me fez bem blogar, escrever,pensar, sempre escrevi. Mentira. mas escrevia sim. Escrevi uma cartinha pra uma menina loirinha, feita tipo barbie uma vez. Estava na terceira serie, Escrevi uma carta inteira em um papel quadriculado que meus pais haviam me dado, não me lembro oque escrevi, mas despejei-me em palavras, eram poucas, mas eram sinceras. Mentira, não eram, afinal, a carta que havia escrito, falavam do que sentia, mas eram assinadas com outro nome, Bruno, era meu amigo. escrevi - o no nome do bruno. E ele levou pra gatinha. e assim foi a minha primeira relação com uma menina.

yes, why would I send this. It does not make any sense. You just got back from a real old hole. THe fat coach said you need to sleep nothing. No he did not say that. common be fair to him. He said Sleep are for the broke! no He did not say this, he said 50 cents said that the sleep were for the broke.alright i need to get out of this hole. Lets shall not sleep then. Lets GO!

open one.
model the business
talk about it
re model it
put into action


value what you have
give value to what you have
value, is what you give.
